林旭辉 | 预言 即将开展

林旭辉 预言

Xuhui Lin | PROPHESY


开幕:2020年10月16日 14:00 (仅VIP)

Opening: October 16, 2020 14:00 (VIP only)


Curator: Gary Zeng


Joint curation and execution: Precious Home Art Team


Duration: October 16 to November 15, 2020

地址:上海市黄浦区南苏州路429号 外滩· 融享汇空间

Address: the Bund • Precious No. 429 South Suzhou Road, Huangpu District, Shanghai

Time: Monday to Sunday, 10am to 5pm

The exhibition will be held by appointment. Please refer to the end of the article for details.





PRECIOUS HOME is honored to announce that the solo exhibition of Xuhui Lin | Prophecy will have it's grand opening on October 16th, 2020. The whole exhibition will last for a month and end on the 15th of November, 2020.

The《PROPHESY》will exhibit more than 10 pieces of paintings from《The Locked Room》collection of Xuhui Lin. 

A symbol is not only the refining of the ontological appearance of a specific thing, but also implies the psychological discrepancy of different identities and positions in certain trend of the times. The transverse and interweaving features of material desire is the metaphor of the collapse of hierarchical power structure and the changes in our inner sense. Root yourself in love and trim temptations or lust… Look for the most important location of the self in this era.
The light is still there; the glory is still brilliant!



Lin Xuhui: foresees the unknown field, speaks the present confused landscape


The secret of the art of painting, in addition to the unique temperament of the material given by the artist, also reflects its concept expression in a certain space and under the posture of the environment. The extension of this kind of semantic context is mixed with the difference and diversity among individual heterogeneous thoughts.

Throughout Xuhui Lin's painting creation in recent years, "narrative translation", "field replacement", "deconstruction" context, the "situation above key words such as" base to form characteristics of his works theme content, and in a specific content - chair as symbol carrier, and then present a dislocation with symptoms and life history, crossing the personalized "Lin type picture". In the unknown field, foresee the time across every trace of the image; To explore the human attitude in the society of power structure, and to look directly at the social landscape full of temptation and desire that we are facing at present.

《密室》NO.07 | 2017 | 布面油画 | 50 × 60cm


From the perspective of Xu hui Lin's painting style, his creation is an in-depth promotion and transfer of expressionism from the early 20th century to the 1930s. (the word "expressionism" is derived from Latin "Expressus", meaning "to throw out" and "to squeeze out".) The trend of thought of expressionism movement is a counterattack to traditional art. In terms of the methodology of creation, artists abandon the aesthetic concepts of "imitation theory" or "reflection theory", which had been dominant in Europe for a long time before the 19th century, and thus advocate the aesthetic characteristics of "expressionism".

《密室》NO.15 | 2019 | 布面油画 | 180 × 220cm



Arnold Schoenberg said, "The greatest goal the artist strives for is to express himself. Our mind is the true reflection of the objective world." On the artistic language expression, Xuhui Lin's works is not "depict in" of objective things, and no longer stay in refining of realistic image temporary and accidental phenomenon narratives, but rather in explore the "chamber of secrets", break through the self construction of the structure of the order, and when we are in the surrounding environment of man's soul and temperature, and then reveal the performance of the existence of human nature "inner scars" and "regional scabby", and gradually translated into his heart painting "eternal" true prophesy.

《密室》NO.05 | 2017 | 布面油画 | 50 × 40cm


In this era full of material desire and big fantasy, the growth field of groups and individuals is changing at every moment; At the same time, with the rapid development of modern social civilization and the process of modernization, the power of human nature is constantly being reduced and alienated; Thinking forms are constantly distorted and squeezed, and after confusion and sinking, only the indifferent "silent things" and anxious moods remain in human beings... Chair image in Xuhui Lin picture to take root in the implant to pursue things are hidden by "illusion" in the interior of the charm of the world, not only embodies his appearance on this particular ontology of purification, again also hints at the context of age different identity crowd their attributes, and in a different position on the status of individual rights between psychological. Through direct and powerful lines and composed and thick color blocks, he repeatedly superimposes and revises the objects and images, and his sharp and penetrating color texture reflects the collapse and change of the current power structure. As the expressionist writer and theorist Pintus said, "The world can only get better if people get better." Apply to feelings, dispel enchantment... This is precisely Lin Xuhui's keen control of the will of the subject living in his own experience, as well as his close attention to and observation of everyday things.

《密室》NO.11 | 2018 | 布面油画 | 50 × 40cm


Xuhui Lin is using his own behavior and track path to depict the existing living space of human life forms, and time density laid to form a confrontation resonance images of creatures...... From the "unknown series", "Chamber of Secrets" and "Organic Face series" he created in the early days to the continuation of the current "Chamber of Secrets" series, he has been writing his own "prophesy", and "Chamber of Secrets" is the true epitome of the future where we are.

Prophesy is the faith of light and Hertz. Like a secret light in a chamber of secrets, bright and eternal!

Hui Shuwen

《密室》NO.12 | 2018 | 布面油画 | 40 × 40cm





1978   生于浙江温州










1977年生于厦门 现生活工作在上海
设计师 影像艺术家


Exhibition space



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       融舍艺术 | 艺“宿”你的生活


         融舍艺术 | 致敬大师  沉浸式艺术展沪上开幕


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